Supporting your diagnosis...
DOTS is a dedicated, reliable and experienced service and can offer you valuable information across a range of areas. DOTS offers parents information evenings and inservice education to schools and agencies. Our most common topics include:
a. Sensory processing – what is it, how can we help
b. Motor planning (dyspraxia) difficulties and how they affect performance.
c. Self regulation - how can we help children with staying regulated.
What your diagnosis means....
Dyspraxia is a disorder of movement and coordination that is often identified in early childhood. Dyspraxia can affect verbal, oral and motor skills. While it cannot be cured, regular therapy can help improve the disorder.
Dyspraxia is a disorder in which messages sent from the brain to the muscles are interrupted, leading to problems with movement and coordination.
Autism is a lifelong developmental condition that affects, among other things, the way an individual relates to his or her environment and their interaction with other people.
The word 'spectrum' describes the range of difficulties that people on the autism spectrum may experience and the degree to which they may be affected. Some people may be able to live relatively normal lives, while others may have an accompanying learning challenges and require continued specialist support. All research evidence supports that early intervention makes a significant difference for children with autism.